It’s been a moment, well, probably millions of moments since I last posted in 2021. I don’t actually know how long a moment is. Some seem short, like vacations. Some seem long, like the last time the Toronto Maple Leafs won the Stanley Cup (nod to the Tragically Hip). So who knows how many moments it has been?
But I digress. My point isn’t about moments in general. It’s about this moment. Right now.
At this moment, I’m coming back to one of the common threads in my life which is writing. I abandoned it during the pandemic because, quite frankly, I didn’t do too well. I’ve had a few years of interesting and exhausting mental health issues, and have worked very hard to manage that. I’m better now, though not the same.
The very fact that I want to write again is a strong indicator that I’m doing better. But I’m going to change it up a bit. Substack is just too heavy for me. Too much work to make posts, make a whole bunch of decisions about who should get that post and when, trying to make sure both free and paid subscribers get value…on and on. I want to just write and not deal with all that (said every poverty stricken writer ever).
To that end I’m moving my writing to Hey, which is essentially an email platform, but it has a bare bones blog that I find whimsically amusing to use.
To ensure you get a chance to say No to this, you will soon receive an invitation email from me via Hey. If you’d like to keep up with my shenanigans, just accept that invite and you will receive emails with my posts. Or, if you’re more of an RSS person, you can get the RSS feed here:
So look for the invite, accept it if you want. If you don’t want, that’s cool too, just delete it. I won’t be offended. Life is too short to read stuff you don’t want.
Lastly, because my brain is wired a little differently now, the content and style of my writing is a little different, so no harm, no foul if it no longer resonates for you.